24Apr, 2024

April Gophers @ Incident.io


Prepare for an exceptional Go experience with the London Gophers event, offering a dynamic lineup of talks, networking opportunities, and community engagement, all centered around the vibrant world of Go programming.

About this event

Step into the world of London Gophers, where enthusiasts and professionals gather to celebrate and explore the nuances of Go programming. Here's what's in store for attendees at our upcoming event:

6:30 - 7:00pm: Arrival, Food & Refreshments

Attendees are invited to arrive early, indulge in refreshments, and connect with fellow Gophers before the talks commence.

7:00pm: Talks Start

Grant - Snapshot testing with Cupaloy

Salman Shah - Racing Go


Praveen Dhinwa - Go Design Patterns for Real-World Application

8:30 - 9:00pm: Closing and Head to the Pub

For more information, check out their meetup page here

Date and time

Wed 24 Apr, 2024
06:30 pm

