Exploring GopherCon 2023 in London: Insights, Takeaways, and Connections

3 min

Golang enthusiasts from our recruitment team embarked on an exciting journey to GopherCon 2023 in London. This annual gathering of developers and professionals in the world of Go programming promised fresh insights, valuable takeaways, and the opportunity to connect with fellow Gophers. In this blog, we'll delve into our experience at the conference, highlighting the most significant revelations, noteworthy speakers, and the overall vibe of the event.


The Diversity that Defines GopherCon

One of the standout aspects of GopherCon 2023 was the sheer diversity of both developers and clients in attendance. The conference attracted individuals from all walks of life and industries, each sharing a common passion for Golang. The most significant insight for our team was the opportunity to engage in face-to-face conversations with fellow delegates. These interactions allowed us to discover their unique backgrounds and interests in Golang, adding a personalised touch to the experience.


Interesting Takeaways

Golang's growing adoption across various industries left a lasting impression on us. The vastness of the Golang community was truly fascinating. What struck us the most, however, was the friendliness, openness, and warmth of everyone we interacted with. It was a testament to the inclusive nature of the Golang community. However, we also noted a significant gender diversity gap, with only 2-5% representation, falling well below the industry standard of 15-20%.


Notable Speakers

The speaker roster at GopherCon 2023 was nothing short of impressive. Several speakers stood out, leaving a lasting impact. Fawaz Ghali from Hazelcast, John Gregory from Admiral Money, Jesús Espino from Mattermost, and Damiano Petrungaro from Odin were among the highlights. Their talks provided valuable insights into the evolving landscape of Golang.


Connecting with Remarkable Individuals

GopherCon 2023 provided us with the opportunity to meet a plethora of remarkable individuals. We connected with the Benefex leadership team, the Formal leadership team and developers, as well as numerous developers from Form3, Typeform, and many other companies. We were even fortunate enough to interact with engineers from JetBrains who had travelled from far-flung places like Tokyo, Canada, and the United States.


Thoughts on the Event

Despite challenging market conditions, the enthusiasm of the Golang community was palpable. The event spanned two bustling days filled with exceptional speakers, mouthwatering food, and amiable fellow attendees. We returned to the office with fresh insights and valuable contacts. The Golang community is robust and steadily growing, radiating a wealth of enthusiasm and affection for Golang.


The Event's Goal: Networking with the Golang Community

Our primary goal at GopherCon 2023 was to network with the Golang community and build relationships. We achieved this goal and more, forging connections that will undoubtedly benefit both our recruitment team and the broader Golang ecosystem.


Did We Enjoy It?

In a word, yes. GopherCon 2023 exceeded our expectations and left us with a renewed passion for Golang and its community.


Future Conversations and Collaborations

We're looking forward to carrying on some of the conversations initiated at the conference, including an upcoming LinkedIn Live session with members of 'Women Who Go.' These discussions are instrumental in fostering inclusivity and diversity within the Golang community.

In conclusion, our journey to GopherCon 2023 was a resounding success. We gained valuable insights, made meaningful connections, and enjoyed the vibrant spirit of the Golang community. As we return to our roles in the Golang recruitment team, we carry with us the enthusiasm and knowledge gained from this remarkable event. The future of Golang looks bright, and we're excited to be a part of it.

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If you're inspired by our journey at GopherCon 2023 and are eager to expand your Golang team with top talent or are on the lookout for exciting Golang job opportunities, we're here to help. Our specialised Golang recruitment team is ready to assist you in finding the perfect match for your needs.